Do you think I can move my data successfully still? I live and work overseas and leave the USA on Monday and am trying to leave my older MacBook Air (the one with my 2005 Quicken on it) here. I'd just as soon stay with Quicken but it seems like they have less support for Mac users. AND I don't know if they are 'relevant' because I'm now using the latest Yosemite, which someone just told me to upgrade for free.But this same person told me to switch to iBank, which others who have used Quicken for years didn't like.
What do I do if my software is non-compliant You will need to upgrade to a compliant version listed. However, I can't find those discussions again. Quicken 2013, 2012, 2011 and Quicken Essentials 2010. (I still have my Quicken 2005 working on my Mac OS X - Version 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard?) I saw a thread of communications back in 2012/13 where you helped a lot of people find ways to get their 2005 data into new versions - something about a $15 purchase.
I am new to the Apple Support community but am hopeful that you can help me!! I have just bought a MacBook Air, migrated my stuff and found that my Quicken for Mac 2005 is no longer supported.